DesignLab – University of Yamanashi
AI and IoT meet Design
We are realizing design that has never been done before with AI and IoT. There are still many things that AI can do to design the human world. IoT is a technology that connects the human world and the computer world. We aim to expand the possibilities of the human world with AI and IoT.
For human activity recognition, we realize human, object, and motion estimation without relying on videos. Constructing privacy-conscious systems realize sustainable sensing that coexists with human society.
For textile, we provide designs that humans have not imagined. With the help of computers, we can realize ideas that humans have never achieved. Our method creates textile patterns that faithfully reproduce a given pattern while preserving the structure of the fabric.
- 2024-10-29 Present three papers at International Conference on Cyberworlds
- (日本語) 2024-10-21 サイエンスインパクトラボに参加します
- 2024-09-12 Present two papers at Visual Computing
- (日本語) 2024-09-09 IPSJ FIT の IoT特別セッションに参加します
- 2024-07-29 Published in IEEE Access
- 2024-06-06 Published in Sensors
- (日本語) 2024-05-31 河合塾みらいぶっくに豊浦の記事が掲載されました
- 2024-03-08 Welcome five new members
- 2024-01-01 Masahiro Toyoura got promoted to Professor
- (日本語) 2023-05-31 豊浦正広准教授が山梨科学アカデミー奨励賞を受賞しました
- 2023-03-08 Welcome four new members
- (日本語) 2022-08-27 こどもとしょしつ「立体メガネをつくろう」を開催しました
- 2022-02-10 Published in IEEE TIP
- (日本語) 2021-12-02 JST新技術説明会で織物技術を紹介します
- 2021-09-21 A project has been started in JST PRESTO (IoT)
- 2021-09-04 Looking for participants in experiments (link available)
- 2021-06-24 Published in Sensors Journal
- (日本語) 2021-06-15 傘「星降る森」が発表されました
- (日本語) 2021-03-24 教員紹介記事が掲載されました
- 2021-03-05 Welcome four new members
- (日本語) 2021-01-15 CGWORLDの研究室紹介がオンライン公開されました
- 2020-12-04 Published in ICAE Journal
- 2020-10-01 Welcome two new members
- (日本語) 2020-06-10 阪大iLDi公募型研究に採択され,研究を開始します
- (日本語) 2020-04-01 科研費基盤研究(B)に採択され,研究を開始します
- (日本語) 2020-03-29 こもれびがNHK Eテレで紹介されます
- (日本語) 2020-02-03 縄文シルクスカーフが紹介されました
- 2020-01-01 DesignLab is started