Assignment 1 (To Be Decided)

Assignment 2 (To Be Decided)

Assignment 3 (To Be Decided)


Assignment 4

(20pts, Presentation+Slides Submission by May 16)

1. Select one paper from CVPR 2022

CV (Geometry, Modeling) > PR (Pattern Recognition)

2. Make the list for selected papers (by Apr 21)

Submit the title which your selected as comment via Moodle.

3. Introduce the paper in 7 mins with slides (11th lesson~)

(Abstract, the last part of Introduction, Result, Core idea & algorithms …)

4. Questions and discussions in 3 mins

5. Add additional slides which describe on Q&A

Presentation (5pts) & slides (10pts), Discussion (5pts)


FYI: How to summarize(~ write) a paper


All the words are meaningful

Abstract, Introduction

Core idea

Goal (= objective)

Contributions (“what’s new”)

Background, Related Work


Core idea


Evaluation, validation

Fantastic appearance